Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 25 Recap: Welcome, Cheryl Burke!

Publish date: 2022-11-18

Abby Lee Miller was a distant memory on Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 25, and that’s because of Dancing with the Stars pro, Cheryl Burke showed up to take her place. 

When the episode got underway, the mothers found out via social media that Abby Lee Miller had announced her intention to quit the show and it did not go down well with everyone. 

This was especially concerning because nationals were just two weeks away and nobody knew what was going to become of the teams. Jill noted that she was shocked, but she probably knew. 

The coach was facing a stint behind bars because of her tax fraud, so they should have gotten a backup plan in motion before her exit. 

Ashlee continued to play bitter and trashed the dance routine from The Irreplaceables’ performance, and Holly was quick to point out that it was a good one. 

Cheryl Burke appeared and brought along Ryan Ramirez to help sort things out with the girls. The moms knew a lot was riding on them making it through this next competition. 

Cheryl quickly noted that the girls were lacking confidence and chalked it up to what was going on with Abby on social media. Their phones were blowing up because fans were reacting to the news. 

Cheryl wanted the mothers to get on board with the team and stop talking about Abby. The mothers got mad when they heard the other girls were going to the same competition. 

During rehearsals, the other girls were just not feeling it, and it seemed like they just wanted to roll over and give up. Cheryl decided it may be time to demote Kendall because she was not getting the routine. 

The mothers then tried to blame themselves for the way their daughters were acting. Yes, it was terrible and proved just how toxic the environment is on this show. 

Things with the other girls were not good, either. Abby had shunned them and told them they could not use the studio. They managed to reel in Miranda to choreograph for the girls. Stacy then said they should pay tribute to Abby with the performance. 

That would be a good idea if Abby did not ditch them like a hot potato. They called the group routine "We Surrender." Yes, they want Abby back. 

Ashlee was struggling to come to terms with the fact that Christi and her followers were bashing her on social media. Jamie put it all down to the other moms being scared they win the competition. 

At the competition, Chloe and Nia came in third place for their duet, but Camryn and Kendall secured a first-place finish. Abby’s girls managed a second place finish in the group routine, but The Irreplaceables crated in fifth place. 

Abby then texted Miranda and fired her, but Ashlee and Brynn decided the show was not for them any longer and they departed. What does this mean for the other girls?

Time will tell. 

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