How to Style Your Hair Like DJ Pauly DelVecchio

Publish date: 2022-01-23

Jersey Shore introduced people to a whole new lifestyle of “gym, tan, laundry.” For Pauly DelVecchio, that means always looking his best. Much of that revolves around crafting his hair into the perfect blowout. For fans looking to achieve DJ Pauly D’s iconic blowout, here are the tricks from the man himself. 

DJ Pauly D’s signature look 

DelVecchio likes to look clean-cut. “It’s just part of looking nice,” he told The Cut. “When you look nice, you feel nice.” For DelVecchio, his hair was the only way he could express himself when he was younger. “[I’ve done my hair] since grade school,” he said. “I went to Catholic school, where we all wore uniforms, so it was the only thing we could do to differentiate ourselves. It’s always been spiked up in some way or form.”

DelVecchio’s blowout quickly became his signature look as a roommate on Jersey Shore. When they were out in public, fans would approach DelVecchio and ask to touch his hair. Many fans tried to mimic the look themselves. Today, DelVecchio’s hair continues to be an icon of the MTV series. During an episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, DelVecchio auctioned off the chance to touch his iconic hair to raise money for leukemia. 

Pauly D tried out a new hairstyle during quarantine

While following stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, DelVecchio tried out a new look. After growing out a “quarantine beard,” he gave his followers a glimpse at his face and unstyled hair.

“NO GEL! Who Dis??!!” DelVecchio captioned a video post on Instagram that promoted his new TikTok account. The no-gel look shocked and amazed many fans. “Wolverine is your spirit animal,” someone commented. “I like the no gel look!” wrote another. 

It takes DJ Pauly D almost a half hour to do his hair 

Many fans of Jersey Shore have often wondered how long it takes DelVecchio to achieve his iconic hairstyle. “The blowout process is kind of wild,” DelVecchio told Vulture in 2018. 

Perfecting the look is what takes the most effort. Overall, DelVecchio says his blowout hairstyle takes about 25 minutes to complete. 

How to do your hair like Pauly D

For fans of the blowout, DelVecchio explained how to achieve his iconic look. “It has to be straight from the shower,” he told Vulture. “Your hair has to be clean. I blow-dry it and I use a pick and I pick it up, almost like an Afro — my hair’s really thick. And then I put in the product. [Mine is] like Elmer’s Glue.” DelVecchio uses Spiker brand, according to the New York Daily News. “If you’re not using Spiker, you don’t have a blowout,” he claims. 

Then, DelVecchio follows these steps: “I put it all through my hair, spray it, blow-dry it again, and then I use the pick to get those spikes perfect.” To this day, DelVecchio uses the same products to style his hair. “I don’t change,” he said. “I’m like a creature of habit.” 
